VOCABULARY - Building a travel vocabulary
Translate the words presented in the resource below. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Sight-seeing - rund tur til serverdigheter - At the sight-seeing today I learn a lot
Admission - adgang - The passengers do not have admission to that area
Attraction - Attraksjon - Trollstigen is a popular attraction in Norway
Cangon - Trang Elvedal -
Castle - Slott - You can also take a wine and castle holiday
Cathedral - Katedral - The known cathedral is about 10 minutes from the hotel
Festival - Festival - The quart festival is in Kristiansand
Glacier - Bre,fonn -
Gorge - Juv
Historic building - Historisk byggning -
Monastery - Kloster
Mosque - Moskee
Museum - Museum
Palace -Palass
Safari park - Safari park
Theme park - Tema park
Temple - Tempel
Tower - Tårn
UNESCO- United Nations,Education,scientific and cultural organization
Volcano - Vulkan
Event - Arrangement
Across - På andre siden,over der
Opposite - Motsatt,annet
On the contrary - Det motsatte
Performances - Forestilling,konsert
Interior - Innenlands/innenriks
Classical - Tradisjonell
Annual - Annullere
Exhibitions - Utstilling
Entertainment - Underholdning
Gateway city - Utgangshall
Grant - Bevilgning
Gratuity - Driks
Arragements - Forbererdelser,ordning
Suppliers - Leverandør
Guarantee - Garantere
Tariff - (toll)tariff,belegg,taks
Terms and conditions - Betingelser og vilkår
Tour Broker - Tur agent
Tour desk - Turkasse
Tour leader/escort - Tur leder/ledsager
Wholesaler - Grossist
Tourisme - Turisme
Travel - Reise
Tourist - Turist
Tourism enterprise - Turisme bedrift
Tourism resources - Turisme middler/ressurser
Tourism services - Turisme tjenester